Nowadays we are all flooded with oceans of information and written communication with our suppliers, business partners or institutions. It is of paramount importance to provide comprehensible, well-worded, easy-to-find and visually catchy messages and main conlusions.
Where can we measure your communication parametres? At every point of interaction with clients – for instance in official correspondence (letters and notifications), on-line communication (web pages, applications, e-shops) and points of sale (offices, call centres).
What questions shall be answered?
- How well do our customers understand the language we use? Aren´t we far too technical?
- How do our clients see and evaluate the format of official communication?
- Can our clients easily find information they are looking for? How long doest it take? What is web orientation like?
- How demanding is it for people to fill in the contact questionnaire?
- What is their perception of on-line shopping compared to their experience and expectations?